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Meet Alexandre Telfort Fils, the Young Haitian Leader Who Aims to Build the Haiti of Tomorrow

Haiti has faced many challenges, from natural disasters to political instability. However, it is also a country that has a rich history, a vibrant culture, and a resilient spirit and certainly it is a country that has a lot of potential, especially in its younger generations.

One of the most promising young Haitian leaders is Alexandre Telfort Fils, a social entrepreneur and president of the political party AYITI2054, the new political structure formed by a group of young Haitian leaders whose mission is to contribute to the construction of the “Haiti to which every Haitian aspires”.

In this blog post we will dive deep into his life, education, inspiring story  and vision for a better Haiti.

Photo : 2023 © Copyright - Alex For Haiti, All Right Reserved

Who is Alexandre Telfort Fils?

Alexandre Telfort Fils was born in 1982, in Port-de-Paix, a commune of Haiti located in the district of Port-de-Paix, in the North-West department. He grew up in a humble family, but he always had a passion for learning and a curiosity for the world. For this reason, he pursued a multidisciplinary academic background that covers various fields such as political science, anthropo-sociology, development evaluation, and political marketing, obtaining several degrees and certificates from prestigious institutions in Haiti, Canada, and Italy. 

As a result, he has an extensive professional career of about 17 years, performing multifaceted activities that include community work, humanitarian work, youth development, community development, research, consultancy, program management, and political leadership. During these activities he has worked with various organizations such as UNICEF, the International Red Cross, the Haitian Center for Leadership and Excellence, the CLE Foundation, the University of Saint Francis Xavier, the Ministry for the Status of Women and Women’s Rights, the Haitian Parliament, USAID, and the former presidential commission.

He is also a founder and a member of several civil society initiatives, such as the Association of Volunteers for Democracy (AVD), the Youth Government of Haiti, the Civil Society Platform on Climate Change, and the Initiative Young Candidates. 

He has also been involved in the political arena, as a former member of the political party “Rally of Progressive National Democrats” (RDNP lead by Mirlande Manigat) and founder of its youth branch, as one of the youngest Senate candidates for the Northwest Department in the 2015 elections, and as a former adviser to Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles and to the late President Jovenel Moise.

He is also an author, publishing his first ebook “Epistle to Posterity”, which reflects his vision and aspirations for Haiti and has been honored as a young leader of Haiti by the IJC, and by the City of North Miami Beach, which proclaims April 19 “Alexandre Telfort’s Day” for his accomplishments and service to the community.

Photo : 2023 © Copyright - Alex For Haiti, All Right Reserved

AYITI2054: The Alexandre Telfort Fils Vision

Alexandre Telfort Fils is not only a leader, but also a visionary. He has a clear and ambitious vision for Haiti, which he expresses through his political party AYITI2054. AYITI2054 is a movement that aims to transform Haiti into a prosperous, democratic, and inclusive nation by 2054, the 250th year of its independence. 

This movement is based on four pillars: education, innovation, environment, and governance since Alexandre Telfort Fils believes that these are the key elements for Haiti’s development and progress.

  • Education: AYITI2054 advocates for a quality education system that is accessible, equitable, and relevant for all Haitians, regardless of their social, economic, or geographic background. AYITI2054 also promotes lifelong learning, vocational training, and cultural diversity as essential components of education.
  • Innovation: AYITI2054 supports the development of a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Haiti, by fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among the youth, and by creating an enabling environment for innovation, such as infrastructure, financing, and legal framework.
  • Environment: AYITI2054 recognizes the importance of protecting and preserving the environment for the well-being and sustainability of Haiti and the planet. AYITI2054 proposes a green and resilient development model that integrates environmental considerations into all sectors and policies, and that promotes the use of renewable energy, waste management, and adaptation to climate change.
  • Governance: AYITI2054 strives for a democratic and participatory governance system that respects the rule of law, human rights, and social justice. AYITI2054 also advocates for a transparent and accountable public administration that is responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people, and that fights against corruption and impunity.
Photo: © 2020 - 2024 Réseau Haitien de l'Information. Tous Droits Réservés.

Alexandre Telfort Fils is an inspiration for many young Haitians who aspire to make a positive change in their country. He is a role model of courage, integrity, and dedication as well as a voice of hope, optimism, and resilience. A champion of democracy, justice, and human rights.

He has shown that it is possible to overcome the challenges and obstacles that Haiti faces, and to achieve remarkable results through hard work, perseverance, and collaboration. He has also shown that it is possible to have a vision and a dream for Haiti, and to pursue it with passion, conviction, and action.

At the same time, he has demonstrated that young Haitians have the potential and the power to shape the future of their country, and to contribute to its development and progress. He has also demonstrated that young Haitians have the responsibility and the duty to participate in the political and social life of their country, and to demand and defend their rights and interests.

He has proven that young Haitians are not the future, but the present. He has proven that young Haitians are not the beneficiaries, but the actors. He has proven that young Haitians are not the spectators, but the leaders.

He is Alexandre Telfort Fils, a visionary leader for Haiti.