Established in 2022.
Our journey began when we reached Houston, a city rich with diversity, but with no Haitian restaurants. Ashley and I brainstormed together, we wonder how that could be possible. In May 18th 2022 there was a big Haitian’s flag day event where tons of Haitians along with non-Haitians enjoyed the festivities and the idea of opening a Haitian restaurant was born. Ashley taps into her culinary skills and her history of hosting events where they have enjoyed her cooking and Stanley who envisions showcasing the uniqueness of Haitian culture through authentic Haitian food. Together, these two factors form Roule Belly a divine Taste of Haiti, which aims to introduce tourists and locals alike a taste of Haitian cuisine. As a restaurant, Roule Belly a divine Taste of Haiti is dedicated to introducing authentic Haitian cuisine both to Houstonians and tourists.
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